Find Your Finish Line

Weekly Wisdom #9

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Find Your Finish Line

Weekly Wisdom #9

Success is largely a function of how we approach ourselves, our relationships, and our work.


Day by day, goal by goal, we strive to succeed at being the best of who we are. We push ourselves to achieve personal results and, in turn, define ourselves by our achievements.
We have a little bit of success; then we move the goal post further away. We have a few moments of happiness and then it elusively slips away from us. At what point do we win our own personal “game”? Success seems to be a moving target for so many people, perhaps because they don’t have a clear definition of what success truly means for them. It stands to reason that we can never actually be happy if we tie our happiness to expectations that constantly change.

We all have some sort of personal gauge that we use to determine our value, our success and our happiness. When we feel like we’re measuring up, we feel good about ourselves. But too often we re-set our gauge and experience fluctuations along with negative feelings about ourselves. That’s because once again the goals have moved.

If we speak specifically about financial goals, many of us focus on money rather than how it can motivate us emotionally. If your goals are tied to what you truly value, they are often easier to achieve than goals that are simply tied to money. For example, do you want more money? If so, what is the ideal number for you? Then take it a step further and write down what you intend to do with the money, invest, savings, or a vacation fund. Put it in an envelope, seal it and put it away.

When you hit that goal, by saving, selling a business, or a variety of any other factors, don’t forget what your number is. Open up your envelope and remind yourself. Anything past that number is a bonus, it’s extra points, it’s gravy.

If you’re someone who constantly moves your target in your goal pursuits, here are 5 tips I have for you to stay focused:


5 Strategies to Implement (After you know your Finish Line)

1.) Top Picks: Select 1-2 goals that are most important to you and stick to them. If these goals truly reflect what you want in life, they shouldn’t shift or change.

2.) Create a plan: It may mean making some sacrifices along the way but having a clear plan will help you establish your top goals.

3.) Track your results: Create tools to track and record your goal setting journey. Make charts, keep it on your phone, but implement ways you can visually record your progress.

4.) Clarity:  Be clear on why you are pursuing your particular goals: This should tie into your plan. If you’re honest with yourself in prioritizing; clarity will follow.

5.) Make time for your goals: Give yourself the chance to make your goals a reality. Carve out time and make room to work on your goals.

Don’t have a number?  Or having a hard time setting goals? Go back and check out the previous lesson again HERE.
On top of that, sign up the free webinar that we will be hosting, that will walk you through how to set and achieve some of your wildest dreams and aspirations.


Grant Cardone’s  –  The 10x Rule

Click to Buy a Copy of: Grant Cardone's - The 10x Rule

(Click the Image to buy a copy of the Book)

Grant Cardone has been popping up in my news feed on, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram incessantly for the last 8 weeks.  He seems to follow me wherever I go online.. Cardone is a Real Estate Multi-Millionaire who instills his wisdom and insights in a variety of different formats.  His 10x book discusses how to improve every aspect of your life by 10 times. I’m excited to get started on this one…

Last Weeks Book Summary

Ryan Levesque’s –  Ask.

Click the Image to Buy a Copy of: Ryan Levesque's - Ask.

(Click the Image to buy a copy of the Book)

Ask, was one of those books that opened my eyes to the way in which I market in my various businesses. The formula that Levesque created is simple and it works.   If you own your own business, or you act in a marketing role, then I highly recommend this book because it will provide a completely different perspective on your marketing process. Ask, will open your eyes and hopefully your profits