Weekly Wisdom #2 – The Power of  “Why”
Uncovering the Factors That Truly Drive You

Welcome to Week #2 of the Weekly Wisdom. This week we are going to discuss the “Power of Why” and how uncovering your own personal “Why” can be incredibly impactful and life changing for you. Having a properly vetted and organized “Why” will help you stay focused when the inevitable chaos occurs on your path towards greatness and success.

The reason most entrepreneurs, business owners and success driven individuals do not achieve the success that they desire is that they confuse their “Why” with their “How”.

How am I going to do ___?
Why must I want to do ___?

The difference is subtle, but the impact is profound.Most people think that the “How” is more important.

  • How can I make this work…?
  • How can I become successful…?
  • How can I make more money…?
  • How can I get the next promotion…?

While having a properly aligned “How” is an integral part of your success, it is only a small part. The key to success is found by answering the question of “Why”.

  • Why must this work?
  • Why must I become successful?
  • Why must I make more money?
  • Why must I get the next promotion?

By asking yourself “Why”, you can begin to uncover the real reasons that you want to achieve a desired goal or success path.

Achieving wealth, success or notoriety is not easy, but when you have a focused “Why” it tends to align more with your physiology, deepest desires and goals. Having a properly aligned “Why” also tends to give you additional: strength, focus, resolve, tenacity & motivation towards achieving those goals because it’s deeper ingrained in your philology and not just a plan-of-attack.

Here is a properly balanced Why/How equation:

70% of any Success is “Why” you want to do something

(Your Deepest Desires, Physiology & Needs)

20% of any Success is “How” you want to do it
(Your Plan of Attack)

The remaining part of the equation is as follows:

10% of any Success is the “Follow Through”
(Your Fortitude)

Most people have this equation flipped, which is why, for them, success always seems to be so close, yet so far… Uncovering your own personal “Why” may take some time to properly discover, but it is worth the effort!

So, the next time you ask yourself, “why do I do what I do?” examine your area of expertise and focus on your core competency. That eternal pull will inspire you to take the next steps, take risks and move forward.

Once you have uncovered your “Why” then your Success Journey can easily be tracked and managed through the 4 Stages of Success which we will discuss next week.   I hope to see you then!  All the best in the coming week!

To your Health, Wealth & Happiness,

Draye Redfern


Peter D. Johnston’s – Negotiating with Giants

Click the Image to Buy a Copy of: Peter D. Johnston's - The Power of No

(Click the Image to buy a copy of the Book)

The book to read this coming week is: Peter D. Johnston’s, Negotiating with Giants.

Regardless of your career or how much money you make, we are always negotiating.    This book will help to give you different insights on how you can achieve your goals in business, relationships and money, with the power of negotiation.

Last Weeks Book Summary

John C. Maxwell’s – Intentional Living

Click to Buy a Copy of: John C. Maxwell's - Intentional Living

(Click the Image to buy a copy of the Book)

The second book of the year was “Intentional Living” by John C. Maxwell.    This was a great book in my opinion because it discussed a lot about the benefits of adding value and creating more value for those around you. If you desire success, significance or achievement, then you must find a way to give to others first before you can receive the rewards.

Here are some of the big take-aways, quotes and ideas:

  • We all strive for purpose.
  • We all have a story. You have it with your power to create a great story.
  • Passive people take themselves out of the greatest of all stories.  Their own.
  • Do you live in the land of good intention or do you live in the land of intentional living?
  • No one stumbles into significance.
  • You never know how well you can swim until you are over your head.
  • Passive people allow their character to be influenced by others. Active people struggle to form and maintain their character.  They grow and develop because of that struggle.
It was a great book that really aligned with the direction that I am personally taking my life in the coming year.  I hope you enjoyed it too!